Publications by Grantees

The following list of publications describe research carried out with CIRM funding. Click on the publication title for a brief summary of the research and for more information about the CIRM grants that contributed to the research.

Title Year Journal
CRISPR-based gene editing enables FOXP3 gene repair in IPEX patient cells. 2020 Sci Adv
CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing of Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia. 2020 Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev
Delayed Union of a Diaphyseal Forearm Fracture Associated With Impaired Osteogenic Differentiation of Prospectively Isolated Human Skeletal Stem Cells. 2020 JBMR Plus
Delineating the early transcriptional specification of the mammalian trachea and esophagus. 2020 Elife
Differential susceptibility of retinal ganglion cell subtypes in acute and chronic models of injury and disease. 2020 Sci Rep
Differentiation and expansion of endothelial cells requires pre-optimization of KDR+ expression kinetics. 2020 Stem Cell Res
Direct Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and Cigarette Smoke Increases Infection Severity and Alters the Stem Cell-Derived Airway Repair Response. 2020 Cell Stem Cell
Dose optimization of decellularized skeletal muscle extracellular matrix hydrogels for improving perfusion and subsequent validation in an aged hindlimb ischemia model. 2020 Biomater Sci
Elucidating the fundamental fibrotic processes driving abdominal adhesion formation. 2020 Nat Commun
Engineering CAR T Cells to Target the HIV Reservoir. 2020 Front Cell Infect Microbiol
Epithelial/mesenchymal heterogeneity of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma samples correlates with miRNA let-7 levels and predicts tumor growth and metastasis. 2020 Mol Oncol
Extracellular Vesicles for the Treatment of Radiation-Induced Normal Tissue Toxicity in the Lung. 2020 Front Oncol
Fat grafting rescues radiation-induced joint contracture. 2020 Stem Cells
Foxp1 Regulates Neural Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Bias Toward Deep Layer Cortical Fates. 2020 Cell Rep
From Berlin to London: HIV-1 Reservoir Reduction Following Stem Cell Transplantation. 2020 Curr HIV/AIDS Rep
Functionally heterogeneous human satellite cells identified by single cell RNA sequencing. 2020 Elife
Gene expression and functional deficits underlie TREM2-knockout microglia responses in human models of Alzheimer’s disease. 2020 Nat Commun
Geriatric fragility fractures are associated with a human skeletal stem cell defect. 2020 Aging Cell
Germline development in rat revealed by visualization and deletion of Prdm14. 2020 Development
Global Consensus on the Management of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency. 2020 Cornea
Grading TESI: Crypt and villus formation in tissue-engineered small intestine alters with stem/progenitor cell source. 2020 Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol
Guided nuclear exploration increases CTCF target search efficiency. 2020 Nat Chem Biol
Guidelines for reporting single-cell RNA-seq experiments. 2020 Nat Biotechnol
Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells. 2020 Nature
Heavy metals contaminating the environment of a progressive supranuclear palsy cluster induce tau accumulation and cell death in cultured neurons. 2020 Sci Rep
Human-engineered Treg-like cells suppress FOXP3-deficient T cells but preserve adaptive immune responses in vivo. 2020 Clin Transl Immunology
Immune and Inflammatory Determinants Underlying Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology. 2020 J Neuroimmune Pharmacol
Immune-evasive human islet-like organoids ameliorate diabetes. 2020 Nature
Immunodeficient mice are better for modeling the transfusion of human blood components than wild-type mice. 2020 PLoS One
Improvement of motor and behavioral activity in Sandhoff mice transplanted with human CD34+ cells transduced with a HexA/HexB expressing lentiviral vector. 2020 J Gene Med
In Vitro Safety “Clinical Trial” of the Cardiac Liability of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin as COVID19 Polytherapy. 2020 bioRxiv
Interleukin 7 receptor is required for myeloid cell homeostasis and reconstitution by hematopoietic stem cells. 2020 Exp Hematol
Lentiviral gene therapy for X-linked chronic granulomatous disease. 2020 Nat Med
Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency After Glaucoma Surgery. 2020 Cornea
Long-term eradication of extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type, by induced pluripotent stem cell-derived Epstein-Barr virus-specific rejuvenated T cells in vivo. 2020 Haematologica
Long-term ex vivo expansion of mouse hematopoietic stem cells. 2020 Nat Protoc
Long-term outcomes of Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty in eyes with prior glaucoma surgery. 2020 Am J Ophthalmol
Loss of NARS1 impairs progenitor proliferation in cortical brain organoids and leads to microcephaly. 2020 Nat Commun
Lysosomal recycling of amino acids affects ER quality control. 2020 Sci Adv
Manufacturing considerations for producing and assessing decellularized extracellular matrix hydrogels. 2020 Methods
Mechanisms of bone development and repair. 2020 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
Mixed chimerism and acceptance of kidney transplants after immunosuppressive drug withdrawal. 2020 Sci Transl Med
Modeling Human Cytomegalovirus-Induced Microcephaly in Human iPSC-Derived Brain Organoids. 2020 Cell Rep Med
mTOR signaling regulates the morphology and migration of outer radial glia in developing human cortex. 2020 Elife
Multiexon deletion alleles of ATF6 linked to achromatopsia. 2020 JCI Insight
Mutations in Spliceosomal Genes PPIL1 and PRP17 Cause Neurodegenerative Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia with Microcephaly. 2020 Neuron
Neural Stem Cells Improve the Delivery of Oncolytic Chimeric Orthopoxvirus in a Metastatic Ovarian Cancer Model. 2020 Mol Ther Oncolytics
NODAL inhibition promotes differentiation of pacemaker-like cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells. 2020 Stem Cell Res
Northstar enables automatic classification of known and novel cell types from tumor samples. 2020 Sci Rep
Novel C1q receptor-mediated signaling controls neural stem cell behavior and neurorepair. 2020 Elife