Video Topic: CIRM News Briefs
Kerri Kimler: What I’ll be telling people back in Texas about the World Stem Cell Summit
Keri Kimler, vice chair of Texans for Stem Cell Research, talks to CIRM about what information from the World Stem Cell Summit she’s excited about sharing with colleagues in Texas. She also discusses a recent symposium she held in Texas to educate people about stem cell research.
Roman Reed: What all patient advocates at the World Stem Cell Summit should know
Roman Reed spoke with CIRM at the World Stem Cell Summit about what he thinks patients advocates should know about stem cell research. He came to the meeting in Pasadena to talk about stem cell advocacy. Roman got a spinal cord injury in 1994 and is the namesake of the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury […]
Laurel Barchas: The World Stem Cell Summit brings people together to find therapies
Laurel Barchas sat down with CIRM at the World Stem Cell Summit to discuss the high school stem cell curriculum she was involved in developing. She says it takes all types of people to develop new therapies — scientists, patient advocates, lawyers, and business people. The meeting brings those people together with a common focus […]
Don Reed: Why we need new stem cell therapies and how you can help
Don Reed sat down with CIRM at the World Stem Cell Summit to discuss stem cell advocacy and need for new stem cell based therapies.
Judy Roberson: Patient advocates drive stem cell scientists
Judy Roberson sat down with CIRM at the World Stem Cell Summit to discuss the role patient advocates play in driving stem cell scientists and making the goals a reality. Judy is the past president of the northern California chapter of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America.
Ben Kaplan: Real progress in stem cell research
Ben Kaplan sat down with CIRM at the World Stem Summit to talk about the steady progress in stem cell research and California’s trailblazing role in the field. Ben is a stem cell activist who publishes the blog, Ben’s Stem Cell News.
California Stem Cell Synergy: the 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting
CIRM hosted its 2011 Grantee Meeting in San Francisco, bringing together the stem cell scientists and trainees that the institute is funding. This leading edge event helps these researchers exchange ideas and increase their knowledge about stem cells biology and supports CIRM’s goal of translating stem cell discoveries into therapies to relieve human suffering from […]
Brain Tumors: Advancing Stem Cell Therapies – 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting
Karen Aboody speaks at the 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting about the developing a stem cell-based clinical trial for malignant brain tumors. Dr. Aboody and her team at the City of Hope Hospital medical center in Duarte, have been funded by CIRM to create a human neural cell line with the ability to target brain tumor […]
Alzheimer’s: Advancing Stem Cell Therapies – 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting
Mathew Blurton-Jones speaks at the 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting about promising research which uses neural stem cells to improve learning and memory in mice with alzheimer’s like symptoms.
Blindness: Advancing Stem Cell Therapies – 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting
Dennis Clegg speaks at the 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting about the development of a stem-cell based therapy for macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Clegg is co-director of UC Santa Barbara’s Center for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering.