Project Objective: Other (only use for Training, Conference, or other non research/development grants)
UCSC CIRM Training Program in Systems Biology of Stem cells
We propose a CIRM Training Program in Systems Biology of Stem Cells featuring formal and supplemental education in a collaborative, interdisciplinary biomedical research environment. As part of the Institute for Biology of Stem Cells, this program brings together the unique strengths of faculty with expertise in key areas for advancing basic stem cell research. Our […]
UCI-CIRM Research Training Program II
Here we propose a comprehensive doctoral, postdoctoral and clinical researcher training program designed to develop the next generation of researchers in the field of regenerative medicine. This field, which is centered around the comprehensive understanding, use and manipulation of stem and progenitor cells, promises to revolutionize the way that human diseases and disorders are treated. […]
City of Hope Research Training Program in Stem Cell Biology
The mission of the Research Training Program in Stem Cell Biology is to train CIRM Scholars scientists at the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels in the fundamental biology of stem cells and strategies for translating this knowledge towards treatment of diseases. By developing effective scientists and leaders in the stem cell field, this training will enhance […]
Medical School Loan Repayment Program
Congenital and acquired defects of cardiac pacemakers are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in our society. Dysfunctions of the SA node and the lower conduction cells lead to a variety of complex arrhythmias that typically necessitate anti-arrhythmic therapy and implantation of devices. These treatments have significant limitations in their efficacy and risk-benefit ratio. Thus, […]
Shared viral vector facility for genetic manipulation of huamn ES cell
Human ES (hES) cells offer the opportunity to be converted into replacement tissues for diseased organs and provide cures for diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes, and a host of neurological disorders. Unfortunately due to political considerations, scientific space containing equipment and other resources provided by the federal government are off limits for work on unapproved hES […]
Enhancing Facilities for Genetic Manipulation and Engineering of Human Embryonic Stem Cells at UCSD
Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research promises to be of fundamental importance in the study and treatment of various human diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and organ failure. In recent years we have made great strides in advancing hESC research as documented by the large number of successful, high-impact laboratories and breadth of research projects […]
The UCSB Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering
Regenerative medicine is an emerging area that will only realize its great potential through novel collaborative research approaches, and the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) is well positioned to make significant contributions by leveraging fundamental biomedical research efforts with enabling technologies in materials, microfluidics and bioengineering. This proposal details plans for the development […]
The Stanford University Center for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Education
The goal of this proposal is to establish a premiere center for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research and education in the state of California. Our center builds on the established excellence of faculty with research organized into four thematic areas: Human embryology, derivation of hESC lines, including disease-specific lines, and SCNT, Cell fate specification […]
CIRM Shared Research Laboratories
Our plan is to establish a ~ 4,700 sq. ft. shared research laboratory dedicated to the experimental manipulation and ultimate clinical application of human embryonic stem cells (hESC). This Shared Research Laboratory (SRL) is centrally located on the main campus. The SRL will be used by researchers focused on understanding how hESCs are induced to […]
UC Davis Translational Human Embryonic Stem Cell Shared Research Facility
The intent of the proposed shared research facility is to provide a state-wide resource for qualified scientists in California to study human embryonic stem cells (hESC) without federal restrictions. The shared facility will encourage a spirit of collaboration and include laboratories for investigators to culture, collect, store, and analyze hESC, provide necessary services that will […]