Program Type: Education

Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Training Program at UCSD II

This proposal describes a Type I stem cell training program including a School of Medicine, a Division of Biological Sciences, a School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and a School of Engineering. This program is designed to provide interdisciplinary training in stem cell biology and medicine by taking advantage of the unique interdisciplinary and inter-institutional […]

CHLA Stem Cell Training Grant

This Level II Training Grant will support seven PhD Post-Doctoral and three MD Clinical Fellows for training in stem cell biology, and the clinical and ethical implications of stem cell research. The program is based in one of the top six of the nation’s pediatric stand alone Institutions. Over the past 25 years, we have […]

UCLA CIRM Research Training Program II

Our Type I, Comprehensive Training Program will train basic scientists, engineers, and physicians to become leaders in stem cell research in academia and industry. The Stem Cell Research Center will coordinate the training of 5 pre-doctoral, 6 post-doctoral, and 5 clinical Scholars, each of whom will acquire (a) a thorough and critical background in stem […]

Training Stem Cell Researchers at the Chemistry-Biology Interface

We will provide an interdisciplinary stem cell training program that incorporates teaching and research in chemistry, functional genomics, and molecular genetics. The goal of this proposal is to train scientists for future careers in basic or applied research in the field of stem cell biology, with a particular emphasis on training coworkers at the interface […]

Type III CIRM Stem Cell Research Training Program

This application is to renew our CIRM type III program to train post-doctoral scientists. Our faculty direct a large stem cell research and teaching enterprise that comprises over 100 biologists, chemists, engineers and clinicians with extensive expertise in stem cell biology and in allied disciplines dedicated to stem cell-based therapies for cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, hematopoietic and […]

Gladstone CIRM Scholars Program

This CIRM Scholars Training Program seeks continued funding of a highly successful Type II (Intermediate training) program that is currently funded for postdoctoral and clinical scholars. The host institution conducts basic research on three of the most important medical problems of modern times: cardiovascular disease, AIDS, and neurodegenerative disorders. Each of these research areas addresses […]

CIRM Research Training Program in Stem Cells and Aging

We propose to sponsor a CIRM Research Training Program in stem cell and regenerative medicine, which will provide six postdoctoral Ph.D. or M.D. (Type III) trainees per year with state-of-the-art stem cell-related research experience and coursework in a rich scientific environment. The goal is to prepare trainees for productive, independent research careers in stem cell […]

UC Davis Stem Cell Training Program

The Stem Cell Training Program includes: experienced, well-funded mentors; essential techniques, methodologies, and facilities relevant to basic, translational, and clinical training in stem cell research; established graduate and training programs that provide the spectrum of training experiences; a clinical enterprise that includes a medical school, teaching hospital, and exceptional infrastructure including a CIRM Shared Research […]

Training Program in Stem Cell Biology and Engineering

We propose to continue our successful interdisciplinary Training Program in Stem Cell Biology and Engineering (CIRM Type III). The program will educate the next generation of stem cell researchers and provide the ethical background and research skills necessary for them to succeed in this rapidly moving, multifaceted field. The training grant will support research in […]

Training Program in Stem Cell Research at UCSF

Our goal is to continue the Type I CIRM-funded Comprehensive Training Program that was established at this institution nearly 3 years ago. Specifically, we want to support 6 graduate students, 6 postdoctoral (Ph.D.) fellows, and 4 clinician-scientists (M.D. and or Ph.D.). We provide a unique training environment for students at all levels who are pursuing […]