People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
Dr. Peter John Donovan 1 $2,381,713
Dr. Peter John Donovan Dr. 2 $9,140,050
Dr. Peter J Donovan 4 $8,022,484
Dr. Carmen Domingo 1 $4,168,243
Karl N Doerner 1 $1,017,000
Sheng Ding PhD 5 $6,402,014
Dr. Sheng Ding Dr. 2 $2,330,849
Dr. John Dimos 1 $2,410,000
Robert Dillman 1 $3,000,000
Dr. Andrew Dillin 1 $1,034,100
Katy Digovich 2 $2,391,136
Dr. David Louis DiGiusto 1 $3,097,160
Dr. Patricia Irene Dickson 0
Dr. John Dick 0
Aniruddha Deshpande 1 $1,547,999
Dr. Tushar Desai 1 $5,347,815
Dr. Tejal Ashwin Desai 1 $1,092,063
Dr. Barbara Des Rochers 2 $4,984,152
Dr. Sophie X Deng 5 $22,547,427
Dr. Michael Demetriou 1 $1,414,800
Margaret L. Delaney 1 $7,191,950
Dr. Colleen Delaney 1 $4,310,000
James DeKloe 1 $2,894,500
Karl Deisseroth 1 $2,424,209
Steven G. Deeks 1 $8,970,732
Dr. Arjun Deb 3 $10,945,222
David M. Davidson 1 $0
Dr. Xavier Darzacq 1 $4,175,924
Dr. Heike E Daldrup-Link 1 $240,214
Dr. Marcel Daadi Dr. 1 $63,952
Dr. Darryl D. D’Lima 2 $10,778,642
Dr. Darryl D. D’Lima 2 $4,095,938
Dr. Brian J. Cummings 8 $12,899,384
Dr. Gage Crump 1 $2,247,403
Dr. Elizabeth Crouch 1 $1,391,998
Dr. Gay M. Crooks 1 $575,994
UCLA Gay M Crooks 1 $965,636
Dr. Gay Miriam Crooks 5 $5,621,163
Dr. Gerald R. Crabtree 1 $1,392,150
Mort Cowan 2 $15,862,367
Dr. Jacob Ellery Corn Ph.D 1 $235,800
Dr Justin Cooper-White 1 $657,528
Dr. John P. Cooke 1 $476,995
Heidi Cook-Andersen 1 $1,584,000
Anthony Conway 1 $4,107,571
Dr. Pamela Reilly Contag 1 $7,999,689
Professor Christopher H. Contag 1 $1,411,338
Dr. Steven M. Conolly 2 $2,169,941
Dr. Bruce R. Conklin 3 $11,082,302
Dr. Irina M. Conboy 1 $2,246,020