Project Objective: Proof of Concept

Targeted Gene Editing in the Treatment of X-Linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome

Research Objective We are seeking to develop site-specific hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy with autologous transplant as a definitive treatment option for X-linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome. Impact These studies would bring stem cell gene therapy for X-HIGM closer to the clinic, as there are currently no options for those without an HLA match or with infections […]

Microenvironment for hiPSC-derived pacemaking cardiomyocytes

Research Objective This proposal investigates the effects of the microenvironment on the development and maintenance of pacemaking function in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes. Impact Pacemaking function of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes is lost over time. Sustainability of pacemaking function of these cells is critical for engineering an biopacemaker from the patient's own cells. Major […]

Multipotent Cardiovascular Progenitor Regeneration of the Myocardium after MI

Research Objective We developed technology to reproducibly prepare large numbers of bonafide cardiac progenitor cells from patient iPSCs. We propose the first test of these cells as a therapy for myocardial infarction. Impact Heart failure resulting from myocardial infarction is responsible for 13% of human mortality (WHO statistic). This proposed therapy is to restore the […]

A Novel Approach to Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells

Research Objective The outcome is a therapeutic candidate ready for Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling studies to target a central hub of stemness pathways of cancer stem cells (CSC) maintenance and self-renewal Impact To date, the majority of metastatic cancers remain incurable, because CSCs that can grow new tumors evades current therapy. The proposed studies aim […]

A Novel Approach to Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells

Research Objective The outcome is a therapeutic candidate ready for Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling studies to target a central hub of stemness pathways of cancer stem cells (CSC) maintenance and self-renewal Impact To date, the majority of metastatic cancers remain incurable, because CSCs that can grow new tumors evades current therapy. The proposed studies aim […]

Human Cardiac Chip for Assessment of Proarrhythmic Risk

Research Objective This proposal will develop patient specific ‘heart-on-a-chip’ devices that will significantly impact early screening of drugs to accurately predict drug-induced proarrhythmia and toxicity. Impact Patient specific ‘heart-on-a-chip’ device will significantly reduce the cost of bringing a new drug candidate to market while improving efficacy. Major Proposed Activities To improve the maturity of human […]

Lgr5-mediated self-renewal in B cell selection and leukemia-initiation

Research Objective LGR5-antibody drug conjugate to target LIC in B cell tumors that undergo self-renewal Impact LIC were only defined in myeloid leukemia, while LIC populations in B cell tumors remain elusive. LICs give rise to drug-resistance and relapse and remain unsolved clinical problems in B cell tumors. Major Proposed Activities Proof of concept studies- […]

Designing a cellular niche for transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived beta cells

Research Objective The expected outcome of these studies is a cellular therapeutic for Type I Diabetes: engineered human islets for transplant into patients, surpassing the function of beta cells or progenitors alone. Impact The proposed studies would address key bottlenecks in cell replacement therapy for Type I Diabetes — issues with cellular engraftment, survival, and […]

CRISPR/dCas9 mutant targeting SNCA promoter for downregulation of alpha-synuclein expression as a novel therapeutic approach for Parkinson’s disease

Research Objective Discovery of a novel therapeutic candidate for Parkinson’s disease which modifies gene expression using human stem cell-derived neurons to halt the neurodegenerative disease process. Impact Stopping the neurodegenerative process of Parkinson’s disease is a critical unmet medical need. Our approach is based on novel gene engineering technology that modifies expression of key target […]

Direct Cardiac Reprogramming for Regenerative Medicine

Research Objective To develop a gene therapy product to deliver cardiac reprogramming factors into the heart for regeneration of new heart muscle. Impact The proposed candidate would regenerate heart muscle for the 23 million adult and pediatric patients with heart failure, for whom there are currently no disease-modifying therapeutic approaches. Major Proposed Activities Successful conversion […]