A hub and spoke community model to equitably deliver regenerative medicine therapies to diverse populations across four California counties

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Progress Reports

Reporting Period:
Year 1

Grant Application Details

Application Title:

A hub and spoke community model to equitably deliver regenerative medicine therapies to diverse populations across four California counties

Public Abstract:
Expand capacities to deliver novel cell and gene therapy treatments to diverse communities across four California Counties (REAL: ORange, RivErside, San BernArdino, and Los Angeles). We will conduct regenerative medicine trials, train a diverse workforce, and deliver novel network offerings.
Statement of Benefit to California:
UCI ASCC REAL will accelerate the delivery of regenerative medicine to all Californians, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion in reaching our underserved communities. We will use data-driven recruitment paradigms and constant community involvement to accelerate clinical trial initiation and completion and focus on education/development of a diverse workforce with outreach across our four-country micro-network, offering a new model to enhance the delivery of advanced healthcare therapies.