Development of a Relevant Pre-Clinical Animal Model as a Tool to Evaluate Human Stem Cell-Derived Replacement Therapies for Motor Neuron Injuries and Degenerative Diseases

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Grant Award Details

Grant Number:
Human Stem Cell Use:
Cell Line Generation:
Award Value:

Progress Reports

Reporting Period:
Year 1
Reporting Period:
Year 3
Reporting Period:
NCE Year 4

Grant Application Details

Application Title:

Development of a Relevant Pre-Clinical Animal Model as a Tool to Evaluate Human Stem Cell-Derived Replacement Therapies for Motor Neuron Injuries and Degenerative Diseases

Public Abstract:
Motor neurons degenerate and die as a consequence of many conditions, including trauma to the spinal cord and its nerve roots and degenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy. Paralysis and in many cases death may result from a loss of motor neurons. No effective treatments are available for these patients. Most cellular therapy studies for motor neuron disorders are done in rodents. However, because of the dramatic differences between the rodent and human spinal cord, translation of these studies to humans is difficult. In particular, the development of new stem cell based treatments is limited by the lack of large animal models to test promising candidate therapies.
This bottleneck will be addressed by developing a new research tool in which human embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons are transplanted into the spinal cord of rhesus macaques after injury and surgical repair of motor nerve roots. This injury and repair model mimic many features of motor neuron degeneration in humans. Microscopic studies will determine survival and tissue integration of transplanted human cells in the primate spinal cord tissues. Evaluations of walking, muscle and bladder function, sensation and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will test for possible benefits and potential adverse effects. This new research tool will be available for future pre-clinical testing of additional stem cell-based therapies that target motor neuron loss.
Statement of Benefit to California:
Paralysis resulting from motor neuron loss after cauda equina and conus medullaris forms of spinal cord injury and from neurodegenerative conditions, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), are devastating and affects thousands of patients and their families in California (CA). These conditions also create a significant financial burden on the state of CA. No effective treatments are available for these underserved patients. Development of a clinically relevant research tool is proposed to evaluate emerging stem cell-based motor neuron replacement therapies in translational studies. No such models are presently available to the global research community. As a result, the proposed research tool, which will remain based in CA, may attract interest across the United States and abroad, potentially being able to tap into a global translational research market of stem cell-based therapies and contribute to a positive revenue flow to CA. Future benefits to people in CA include: 1) Development and translation of a new CA-based research tool to facilitate and expedite clinical realization of emerging stem cell-based therapies for devastating neurological conditions affecting motor neurons; 2) Reduction of health care costs and care giver costs for chronic motor neuron conditions with paralysis; 3) Potential for revenue from intellectual properties related to new cellular treatments entering clinical trials and human use.
