Human Stem Cell Use: Embryonic Stem Cell

Reverse transcriptase inhibitors as a novel therapeutic approach for neurological autoimmune disorders

Research Objective We found that approved anti-retroviral drugs could stop inflammation and block neurodegeneration. We propose to validate the re-purpose efficacy of these clinically-approved retroviral drugs. Impact We have identified an unexpected cause to a brain inflammation and a potential simple treatment. Our research could help millions of patients affected by a broad range neuro-immunological […]

Organoid Modeling of Human Cortical Microcircuits

Research Objective The proposed studies will develop three-dimensional cell culture methods for creating human brain neural circuits for disease research and drug discovery. Impact The proposed research will develop a new research platform for studying how neurons in the human brain function, how neurological disease subverts this activity, and how we might find new therapies. […]

Curing bladder cancer by replacing corrupted urothelium with differentiated hES cells

Research Objective The goal of the proposed research is to use human embryonic stem cells to generate bladder epithelial progenitor cells that can be used to replace a cancerous bladder epithelium in vivo. Impact The long-term goal of the proposed research is to cure bladder cancer. Successful completion of this work may indicate that transplantation […]

Development of a human stem cell-derived inhibitory neuron therapeutic for the treatment of chronic focal epilepsy

Translational Candidate A cellular therapeutic comprised of inhibitory nerve cells produced from human stem cells Area of Impact Drug-resistant chronic temporal lobe epilepsy Mechanism of Action The product candidate is intended to be delivered into the seizure focus, integrate, and secrete the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA to rebalance neural electrical activity in the brain and eliminate/reduce […]

Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neural Stem Cells for Severe Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Translational Candidate H9 (WA09) embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells with a spinal cord identity (H9-NSCsc) Area of Impact Severe spinal cord injury Mechanism of Action Our candidate therapy for SCI uses human neural stem cells in a gel-like matrix containing growth factors. We aim to fill the injury site with replacement neural stem cells […]

An optimized human neural stem cell line (hNSC) for the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Translational Candidate Shef6.1 embryonic cells will be enriched for a neural stem cell marker, CD133. These human neural stem cells (hNSCs) are designated as S6.133.hNSCs. Area of Impact Shef6.1 human neural stem cells will be tested as a treatment for memory & behavioral deficits resulting from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Mechanism of Action Traumatic brain […]

PRPE-SF, polarized hESC-derived RPE Soluble Factors, as a Therapy for Early Stage Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration

Translational Candidate PRPE-SF is a preparation of soluble factors from polarized retinal pigment epithelial cells, to support survival of photoreceptors in dry AMD (dAMD). Area of Impact dAMD with early geographic atrophy (RPE dysfunction/photoreceptor degeneration) that does not involve the fovea, with visual acuity better than 20/80. Mechanism of Action PRPE-SF is composed of multiple […]

Morphological and functional integration of stem cell derived retina organoid sheets into degenerating retina models

Translational Candidate Retina organoid sheets (ROs) derived from CSC14 human embryonic stem cells (NIH registry line #0284) manufactured under GMP conditions Area of Impact Retinitis PIgmentosa (RP) (irreversible loss of photoreceptors) due to mutation of photoreceptors and/or other retinal genes Mechanism of Action Proposed mechanism of action is cell replacement, combined with trophic effects. Transplanted […]

Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Natural Killer Cells for Cancer Treatment

Translational Candidate Human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived natural killer (NK) cells to target relapsed/refractory Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) Area of Impact hESC-derived NK cells provide a novel and potent approach to treat relapsed or refractory AML that is resistant to current chemotherapy options. Mechanism of Action hESC-derived NK cells provide a standardized, homogeneous, off-the-shelf cellular […]

Pluripotent stem cell-derived chondrocytes for articular cartilage repair

Translational Candidate We propose to develop a universal, off-the-shelf treatment for articular cartilage repair based on pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived chondrospheres Area of Impact The proposed therapy could treat the major cartilage lesions present in more than 10% of people under 50; which often result in pain and arthritis Mechanism of Action Untreated cartilage defects […]