Disease Focus: Heart Disease

Human Cardiovascular Progenitors, their Niches and Control of Self-renewal and Cell Fate

For the millions of Americans who are born with or develop heart disease, stem cell research offers the first hope of reversing or repairing heart muscle damage. Thus, early reports suggesting heart regeneration after transplantation of adult bone marrow-derived stem cells were met with great excitement in both the scientific and lay community. However, although […]

Growing Stem Cell Research in California: Todd McDevitt Lab, Gladstone Institutes

California’s Stem Cell Agency (CIRM) has catalyzed the growth of stem cell research by helping recruit scientists to the state. In this video, we feature Dr. Todd McDevitt, a leading biomedical engineer in stem cell research who recently moved to California as a Senior Investigator at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco. Photos and microscopy images […]

Heart disease: Progress toward stem cell therapies, a live Google Hangout

Watch this Google Hangout to learn about recent progress in developing stem cell therapies for heart disease. Hear from stem cell clinical trial participant Fred Lesikar, stem cell experts Dr. Joseph Wu (Stanford) and Dr. Bruce Conklin (Gladstone Institutes) and CIRM science officer Dr. Cathy Priest. For more information about heart disease research funded by California’s […]

Webinar: Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Heart Disease – Lessons Learned | Eduardo Marbán

Title: Lessons learned from Phase 1 trial of heart-derived stem cells as we move into Phase 2  Speaker: Eduardo Marbán, M.D., Ph.D. Founder and Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board, Capricor, Inc. and Director, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Mark S. Siegel Family Professor Presented April 15, 2013   This presentation was part of the webinar event, “Clinical […]

Deepak Srivastava, Gladstone Institutes – CIRM Stem Cell #SciencePitch

Spotlight on Stem Cell Advances in Pediatric Heart Disease: A Change of Heart

One percent of live births have heart defects, the leading noninfectious cause of death in the 1st year. Using embryonic stem cell technology, Dr. Deepak Srivastava’s lab has made many insights into understand the genetic networks that control heart development as well the genetic mutations that are involved in heart defects. With these findings in […]

Spotlight on Stem Cell Advances in Heart Disease: Generating Muscle within an Existing Heart

Long-term stem cell-based strategies for heart disease aim to rebuild parts of the heart. But investigators like Deepak Srivastava are also looking into more near term goals to regenerate heart muscle from within the existing heart through direct reprogramming. Dr. Srivastava spoke about his recent work in this area to the CIRM Governing Board during […]

Joshua’s Heart Story: Pediatric Heart Disease and the Promise of Stem Cell Advances

The day before 9/11,  just four months pregnant, Mary Goulart and her husband learned through ultrasounds that their baby had several heart defects including a missing left ventricle. After birth, baby Joshua endured three open-heart surgeries and a massive stroke. Through years of various therapies and true determination, Joshua met his challenges with many accomplishments.  […]

Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Heart Failure: Eduardo Marbán – CIRM Spotlight on Disease

CIRM has funded a $5.5 million Disease Team to develop a follow-on cardiac stem cell clinical trial that uses a patient’s own heart stem cells to regenerate scarred tissue damaged by a heart attack. The team is led by Eduardo Marbán, MD, PhD, Director of the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute. Marbán presented the team’s latest progress […]

Cardiovascular Therapies: Spotlight on Stem Cell Research – Welcoming Remarks

Robert Klein, J.D. and Claire Pomeroy, M.D., M.B.A., gave the welcoming remarks for the “Spotlight on Cardiovascular Therapies,” an educational event presented at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine Governing Board meeting on March 10, 2011 in Burlingame, CA. Klein is Chair of the CIRM Governing Board. Pomeroy is Vice Chancellor for Human Health Sciences […]