Disease Tab: Diabetes
Pancreatic Islet and PARAthyroid Co-Transplantation for Treatment of Diabetes in IntraMuscular Site: PARADIGM
Transplantation of beta cells, contained in donor pancreatic islets, can reverse the symptoms of diabetes. However, due to a poor islet survival rate, transplants require islets from multiple donors. Since islet cells are transplanted directly into the vessels that enter the liver, it is extremely difficult to monitor and retrieve these cells should the need […]
Phase 2 Safety and Efficacy Study of CLBS03 Autologous T-Regulatory Cells in Adolescents with Recent Onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) face lifelong struggles with controlling their blood sugar levels and, despite careful management, an increased risk of severe complications. Currently, there is no approved therapy that maintains or restores the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells that are destroyed by this disease. Researchers at Caladrius Biosciences will take cells, called regulatory T cells […]
Clinical trial of directly vascularized islet cell replacement therapy for high-risk type 1 diabetes
ViaCyte is developing cell therapies to replace lost beta cells for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The therapies are derived from human embryonic stem cells, which are partially matured into becoming pancreatic tissues (the type destroyed in T1D). The cells are inserted into a small pouch that is transplanted under the patient’s skin. The […]
Preclinical and clinical testing of a stem cell-based combination product for insulin-dependent diabetes
ViaCyte is developing cell therapies to replace lost pancreatic beta cells for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The therapies are derived from human embryonic stem cells, which are partially matured into becoming pancreatic tissues (the type destroyed in T1D). The cells are inserted into a small pouch that is transplanted under the patient’s skin. The […]