Video Event: Spotlight: Seeing Stem Cells in the Body - May 2012

Seeing Stem Cells in the Body: Magnetic Particle Imaging

A big obstacle to developing stem cell therapies is being able to visualize the cells inside the body. This will be critical to confirm that the stem cells are targeted to the right place and are providing therapeutic benefit. Current imaging technology are not adequate for tracking stem cells in vivo. Magnetic Particle Imaging, MPI, […]

Greg Wasson, Parkinson’s Action Network: Patient Advocate Presentation

Greg Wasson spoke to the CIRM governing board on May 24, 2012 about his perspectives on stem cell research and his advocacy for Parkinson’s disease. Wasson was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1995 and has spent a decade as an active member of the Parkinson’s community, most of which has been spent as an advocate with […]