Year 6
The central mission of our Berkeley CIRM Shared Stem Cell Facility (SSCF) is to provide our East Bay users with knowledge, expertise, training, and equipment to advance scientific knowledge of human embryonic, induced pluripotent, and adult stem cells. The Flow Cytometry Facilities in 461 Li Ka Shing and 493 LSA house the CIRM funded cell sorters. The B129 Stanley suite contains cell culture hoods, four incubators, and other essential lab equipment. The SSCF also has an automated wide field ImageXpress Micro, and two analytical flow cytometers, and a 2-photon and confocal fluorescence microscope system. In B203 Stanley, there is a BioRad MAGPIX reader for magnetic bead–based multiplexed immunoassays. We have reached a steady state usage of ~90 students and postdoctoral fellows from the laboratories of 21 PIs. Based on the interests of the users, we have continued in Year 6 to maintain state of the art instrumentation for the research community. This year we upgraded our Image Xpress Micro to have the larger format CMOS camera and LED light source to improve imaging capability and reduce long-term cost to run the instrument.
The previously highlighted PIs continue to have success using SSCF instrumentation and we would like to highlight publications by some of these researchers who have made significant advancements to their research by using our facility.
B. Zheng, T. Vazin, P.W. Goodwill, A. Conway, A. Verma, E.U. Saritas, D.V. Schaffer, and S.M. Conolly Magnetic Particle Imaging tracks the long-term fate of in vivo neural cell implants with high image contrast. Scientific Reports, 2015, 10(5)14055 (PMID: 26358296).
S. Y. Wong, T. A. Ulrich, L. P. Deleyrolle, J. L. MacKay, J.-M. Lin, R. T. Martuscello, M. A. Jundi, B. A. Reynolds, and S. Kumar (2015). Constitutive activation of myosin-dependent contractility sensitizes glioma tumor-initiating cells to mechanical inputs and reduces tumor invasion. Cancer Research 75: 1113-1122 (PMID: 25634210).
A. D. Rape, M. Zibinsky, N. Murthy, and S. Kumar (2015). A synthetic hydrogel for the high-throughput study of cell-ECM interactions. Nature Communications 6: 8129 (PMID: 26350361).
Han, Bruce W., Hans Layman, Nikhil A. Rode, Anthony Conway, David V. Schaffer, Nancy J. Boudreau, Wesley M. Jackson, and Kevin E. Healy. Multivalent Conjugates of Sonic Hedgehog Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing. Tissue Engineering. Part A 21, no. 17–18 (September 2015): 2366–78. doi:10.1089/ten.TEA.2014.0281 (PMID: 26154888).
Ma, Zhen, Jason Wang, Peter Loskill, Nathaniel Huebsch, Sangmo Koo, Felicia L. Svedlund, Natalie C. Marks, et al. Self-Organizing Human Cardiac Microchambers Mediated by Geometric Confinement. Nature Communications 6 (July 14, 2015). doi:10.1038/ncomms8413 (PMID: 26172574).
Amit K. Jha, Anurag Mathur, Felicia L. Svedlund, Jianqin Ye, Yerem Yeghiazarians, Kevin E. Healy. Molecular weight and concentration of heparin in hyaluronic acid-based matrices modulates growth factor retention kinetics and stem cell fate. Journal of Controlled Release 209 (2015): 308-316 (PMID: 25931306).
Mathur, Anurag, Peter Loskill, Kaifeng Shao, Nathaniel Huebsch, SoonGweon Hong, Sivan G. Marcus, Natalie Marks et al. Human iPSC-based Cardiac Microphysiological System For Drug Screening Applications. Scientific reports 5 (2015) (PMID: 25748532).
Jha, Amit K., et al. Enhanced survival and engraftment of transplanted stem cells using growth factor sequestering hydrogels. Biomaterials 47 (2015): 1-12 (PMID: 25682155).
Huebsch, Nathaniel, Peter Loskill, Mohammad A. Mandegar, Natalie C. Marks, Alice S. Sheehan, Zhen Ma, Anurag A. Mathur et al. Automated video-based analysis of contractility and calcium flux in human iPS–derived cardiomyocytes cultured over different spatial scales. Tissue Engineering ja (2015) (PMID: 25333967).
Bugaj, L.J., D. P. Spelke, C.K. Mesuda, M. Varedi, R.S. Kane, and D.V. Schaffer (2015) “Regulation of Endogenous Transmembrane Receptors Through Optogenetic Cry2 Clustering.” Nature Communications, 6:6898 (PMID 25902152).
Kotterman, M.A., T. Vazin, and D.V. Schaffer (2015) “Adeno-Associated Viral Variant Enhances Selective Gene Delivery to Neural Stem Cells in Vivo.” Development, 142:1885-1892 (PMID 25968319).
Fritz, A.L., M.M. Adil, S.R. Mao, D.V. Schaffer (2015) “cAMP and EPAC Signaling Functionally Replace OCT4 During Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Reprogramming.” Molecular Therapy, 23:952-963 (PMID 25666918).
Yousef, H., M.J. Conboy, A. Morgenthaler, C. Schlesinger, L. Bugaj, P. Paliwal, C. Greer, I.M. Conboy, and D.V. Schaffer (2015) “Systemic Attenuation of the TGF-β Pathway by a Single Drug Simultaneously Rejuvenates Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Myogenesis in the Same Old Mammal.” Oncotarget, 6:11959-11978 (PMID: 26003168).