This grant has enabled a plethora of activities pertaining to stem cell genomics in the state of California. The Stanford Administrative Core for the Center of Excellence in Stem Cell Genomics (CESCG) has been established and is responsible for overseeing joint center activities and the administration of center-initiated projects (CIP) 1 and 2, and several collaborative research projects (CRP). In the fifth year of the award the CESCG administration organized monthly conference calls to share research progress and coordinate activities across the center. On May 18th-19th, 2019 the CESCG held its fifth annual stem cell genomic CIRM retreat at Stanford University. CIP1 have completed the recruitment, reprogramming, and WGS of the diseased lines of our biobank. CIP1 has also differentiated a large number of iPSCs into cardiomyocytes and treated them with various drugs followed by RNA-Seq. CIP2 has focused on data analysis, making data public through the cell browser, manuscript drafting, and driving targeted chromatic ligation to automation and single-cell sensitivity. All other CRP collaborators have made a significant progress in their projects. These research projects from the CIPs and CRPs have led to more than 36 publications and several bioinformatics tools that will transform stem cell research in California and continue its preeminence in this area.