Year 4

The aim of the Stanford CIRM Training Program is to produce leaders positioned to understand basic stem cell mechanisms, develop relevant human stem cell lines in order to investigate the pathogenesis and treatment of diseases, and provide the fundamental and practical basis for the development of new molecular and cellular therapies. As such, the training program aims to integrate studies in basic and clinical sciences to foster a translational approach to biomedical research. The training program seeks to intersect basic and clinical science with a specific emphasis on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine; referred to as “Translational Medicine.” In this regard, Stanford offers outstanding opportunities for training both MD and PhD predoctoral students, PhD postdoctoral fellows, and clinical fellows in stem cell biology, regenerative medicine, and human disease. Stanford brings a powerful combination of assets to this mission with the School of Medicine, the Hospitals and Clinics and the University all on one campus. In addition, Stanford faculty have extensive experience in basic research, clinical translation, and training in stem cells and cancer stem cells. To date, we have trained 17 Clinical Fellows, 17 Postdoctoral Scholars and 27 Pre-doctoral Students; many of which have gone on to faculty positions or have received other pretigious awards to continue their training in California.