Year 3
The USC Stem Cell Core Facility is a comprehensive support center for stem cell and biomedical researchers located at The University of Southern California and other neighboring institutions in Los Angeles. It provides research support and training to over 200 individuals ranging from high school students to tenured professors. The users of the facility participate in a wide diversity of basic and translational research involving embryonic and adult stem cells. Some of the services offered by this facility include quality controlled cells and bioreagents, shared equipment and laboratory space, biobanking, a cell repository, histology, karyotyping, technical assistance and consultation. The USC Stem Cell Core staff also participate in research and development aimed to establishing, validating and centralizing new technologies which fuel the production of new services and lower the barriers to stem cell research. The main goal of this facility is to provide support which enables all life science researchers regardless of their expertise to harness the amazing potential of stem cells for studying and treating human diseases.