The CIRM Center of Excellence in Stem Cell Genomics (CESCG) at Salk has started functioning in its role as a nodal hub for collaborative research in the field of Stem cell Biology. At the CESCG we provide our expertise in computational analysis of high-throughput sequencing data as well as provide the services of the high-end sequencers.
The first batch of Salk CESCG collaborators selected for the Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs) include three groups from UCLA and one from UCSD. These projects focus on various aspects of understanding basic Biology (uncovering molecular mechanisms) and are aimed at applications to human health and disease. The comprehensive CRP grant has been awarded to the Crooks group at UCLA. The three other groups (Fan and Bruneau groups from UCLA) and Frazer group at UCSD have been awarded the regular CRP grants. Since May 1, 2015 the Salk CESCG staff has been in contact with the collaborators and are currently discussing logistics of the collaboration. The CESCG staff are also in contact with the Data Coordination and Management (DCM) center to formalize the data submission strategies.