In the extended period, we did our best trying to optimize the experimental condition using computer simulation. Extensive simulation with all anticipated conditions were conducted and imaging conditions such as required dose, acquisition time and energy specificity has been determined. the experiments showed that with adequate sampling of a high enough radioactivity, smaller than 200micrometer parted objects can be clearly identified. This promising results, however, required a count rate as well as specificity that real life labeling were not able to achieve. Instrumentation as well as imaging processing, therefore, need further improvement. On the other hand, Stem cell implant and imaging in vivo has found another platform: microMR, in conjunction with single photon (SPECT) scan, which could effectively identify the disposition of labeled stem cells and track in in live animals.
We are at the end of the funding period during which we have suffered numerous resource loss due to infrastructure change lead by economic downfall. We have gathered our best effort to keep the project going. The multi-aspect project has, regardless, yield positive indications that can lead development of several project, one of which has already been funded. We hold high hope that the findings in the project will lead to more meaningly commercial development in the field of molecular imaging.