UCLA Training Program in Stem Cell Biology

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Grant Award Details

Grant Number:
Award Value:

Progress Reports

Reporting Period:
Year 1 – 19-month period
Reporting Period:
Year 2

Grant Application Details

Application Title:

UCLA Training Program in Stem Cell Biology

Statement of Benefit to California:
The Training Program in Stem Cell Biology will provide trainees with opportunities to study the latest advances in stem cell biology, development and disease modelling, present their own work in a setting in which they can obtain constructive criticism, interact with their peers and training faculty in formal and informal forums, and meet leaders in the field. Our goal is to produce scientists at the Predoctoral, Postdoctoral and Clinical levels that are fully versed in their primary scientific discipline and fluent in the whole panoply of issues that arise in the study of stem cell biology. We expect our trainees to become leaders in the field of stem cell biology that are well-versed in stem cell ethics and entrepreneurship, and communicate effectively about their work. As a result, we have every expectation that our trainees will be able to fully translate stem cell discovery into stem cell therapy. Data suggests that the majority of our trainees stay in California to continue their careers. As a result, this program will contribute to the enrichment of the scientific community in California, and create a cadre of scientists well-versed in issues particular to stem cell biology such as disease modeling, ethical use of stem cells, and clinical translation of stem cell technology. As California becomes a hub for stem cell biology, the Training Program in Stem Cell Biology will serve to promote the latest technologies and advances to create viable clinical therapies while doing so in an equitable and ethical manner.