Human Stem Cell Use: Adult or Tissue Stem Cell

Gene Correction of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Artemis Deficient SCID

Artemis is a chemical in all cells in the body that is essential for the normal development of the immune system and repairing damaged DNA. Artemis deficiency (AD) causes Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID-A), a “bubble baby” syndrome associated with increased sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy. SCID-A is hard to treat with a bone marrow stem […]

Local Delivery of Rejuvenated Old Muscle Stem Cells to Increase Strength in Aged Patients

As humans age, the ability to regenerate skeletal muscle tissue is impaired. Injuries to the musculoskeletal system that require extended periods of immobilization lead to muscle atrophy and are particularly devastating to the elderly population. Loss of skeletal muscle mass and function reduces mobility, which negatively affects quality of life, and increases the risk of […]

Generation of hepatic cell from placental stem cell for congenital metabolic disorders

Approximately 1 in 1,500 children has a congenital metabolic disorder. These inborn errors of metabolism are caused by deficiencies of different enzymes and result in accumulation of various substances inside cells. These substances affect the function of vital organs, and in many cases are lethal. Transplantation of cells that possess the particular deficient enzyme carries […]

Immune-Matched Neural Stem Cell Transplantation for Pediatric Neurodegenerative Disease

Children with inherited degenerative diseases of the brain will be among the first to benefit from novel approaches based on stem cell therapy (SCT). This assertion is based on a number of medical and experimental observations and precedents including: 1) These diseases currently lack effective therapies and can cause profound mental retardation or lead to […]

Extracellular Matrix Bioscaffold Augmented with Human Stem Cells for Cardiovascular Repair

An estimated 16.3 million Americans suffer from coronary heart disease. Every 25 seconds, someone has a coronary event and every minute, someone dies from one. Treatment for coronary heart disease has improved greatly in recent years, yet 1 in 6 deaths in the US in 2007 was still caused by this terrible disease. Stem cells […]

Tissue engineered cartilage from autologous, dermis-isolated, adult, stem (DIAS) cells

This study addresses the cartilage defects resulting from injuries or from wear-and-tear that can eventually degenerate to osteoarthritis. This is a significant problem that impacts millions and costs in excess of $65B per annum in the US alone. Addressing this indication successfully holds potential for halting the progression of cartilage damage before it destroys the […]

Targeting Stem Cells to Enhance Remyelination in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the myelin sheath that insulates neurons is destroyed, resulting in loss of proper neuronal function. Existing treatments for MS are based on strategies that suppress the immune response. While these drugs do provide benefit by reducing relapses and delaying progression (but have significant side effects), the […]

USP16 controls stem cell number: implications for Down Syndrome

Stem cells are endowed with the ability to self-renew, that means to give rise to other cells with the same potential to regenerate a tissue. Recently, we found a gene that also regulates this mechanism. In addition, expression of high levels of this gene can reduce the number of stem cells in the bone marrow […]

Tri-resolution Visualization System for Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration Monitoring

The 3D imaging techniques of CT and MRI have virtually eliminated the need for exploratory surgery – a procedure which was common in difficult cases just 20-30 years ago. Not only is imaging used to discover the extent of disease, it is now used to measure the effect of therapies. The “size” of a tumor […]

Development of Single Cell MRI Technology using Genetically-Encoded Iron-Based Reporters

Clinical application of cell transplantation therapy requires a means of non-invasively monitoring these cells in the patient. Several imaging modalities, including MRI, bioluminescence imaging, and positron emission tomography have been used to track stem cells in vivo. For MR imaging, cells are pre-loaded with molecules or particles that substantially alter the image brightness; the most […]