On January 16, 2009 CIRM began our glamorous TV career, launching the YouTube channel CIRMTV. Despite our fabulous onscreen talent the Emmys have yet to call (though they are welcome to comment below…). Still, we’re pretty pleased with the channel’s success. Today we reached 100,000 views to our videos, which include some educational pieces about stem cell research and a disease-focused series about individual conditions that CIRM-funded researchers are working to address.
Overall, our videos are most popular in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, the Philippines, and Sweden. The top ten views have gone to:
1) Parkinson’s Disease: Progress and Promise in Stem Cell Research
2) Hans Keirstead: Developing therapies based on embryonic stem cells
3) Jerome Zack: Creating iPS Cells
4) Macular Degeneration: Progress and Promise in Stem Cell Research
5) Irv Weissman: Differences between Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells
6) Bringing Stem Cell Cures to the Clinic: UC Davis GMP Facility
7) Catriona Jamieson: Therapies Based on Cancer Stem Cells
8) Paul Knoepfler: Tumor Formation in Embryonic Stem Cells
9) Huntington’s Disease: Progress and Promise in Stem Cell Research
10) CIRM Major Facilities Speed Stem Cell Science and Create Jobs
I’m going to give an editor’s choice award to a video we made about our Bridges to Stem Cell Research program. The passion these students have for stem cell research and for their future careers is exciting to see:
CIRM Bridges Award: Building California’s Stem Cell Research Workforce