Statement by Robert Klein, Chair of the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee and Statement by Interim President Zach Hall, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
“Today’s historic vote by the U.S. House of Representatives on the Castle-DeGette bill was a brave statement by Democratic and Republican legislators—a true bipartisan coalition who put families first.
This group of legislators from both parties stood up to the president, who has tried to intimidate the process with a threatened veto. We applaud all the legislators who voted in favor of the bill, especially Democratic Congresswomen DeGette and Pelosi, Congressman Stark and Republicans such as Mary Bono, David Drier, Jerry Lewis, and Ken Calvert. This bill marks a great step forward in medical research by making more stem cell lines available for life-saving research in the United States.” –Robert Klein
“While today’s first affirmative vote on Castle-DeGette represents significant support for stem cell research in the nation, there are still two major issues. One: the legislation program does not cover disease-specific stem cell lines and two: even if Congress were to double NIH funding for stem cell research, it would only be a fraction of California’s annual commitment of $300 million over the next ten years. California remains the only state in the country that offers the kind of long-term stability and breadth of funding necessary to advance this vital research.” –Zach Hall, Ph.D.
The Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (ICOC) of the CIRM voted yesterday to unanimously support HR 810.
Nicole Pagano
(415) 396-9100
Statement by Robert Klein, Chair of the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee and Statement by Interim President Zach Hall, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
“Today’s historic vote by the U.S. House of Representatives on the Castle-DeGette bill was a brave statement by Democratic and Republican legislators—a true bipartisan coalition who put families first.
This group of legislators from both parties stood up to the president, who has tried to intimidate the process with a threatened veto. We applaud all the legislators who voted in favor of the bill, especially Democratic Congresswomen DeGette and Pelosi, Congressman Stark and Republicans such as Mary Bono, David Drier, Jerry Lewis, and Ken Calvert. This bill marks a great step forward in medical research by making more stem cell lines available for life-saving research in the United States.” –Robert Klein
“While today’s first affirmative vote on Castle-DeGette represents significant support for stem cell research in the nation, there are still two major issues. One: the legislation program does not cover disease-specific stem cell lines and two: even if Congress were to double NIH funding for stem cell research, it would only be a fraction of California’s annual commitment of $300 million over the next ten years. California remains the only state in the country that offers the kind of long-term stability and breadth of funding necessary to advance this vital research.” –Zach Hall, Ph.D.
The Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (ICOC) of the CIRM voted yesterday to unanimously support HR 810.
Nicole Pagano
(415) 396-9100