Edinburgh, Scotland—The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the state’s stem cell agency, and Scottish Development International (SDI) announced an international collaboration on stem cell research.
The agreement was signed by the chief executive of Scottish Development International, Anne MacColl, and the president of CIRM, Alan Trounson.
CIRM and the SDI are laying the foundation for potential joint Scottish-Californian research initiatives to advance stem cell therapies through both industry collaborations and academic collaborations. The agreement will make it easier for researchers in California and Scotland to obtain joint funding and to interchange know-how in the area of regenerative medicine.
“Scotland has robust stem cell research communities in both basic science and translational clinical science, which should create synergies with many projects in California and help us further leverage California’s investment in the field for the good of patients everywhere,” said Alan Trounson, president of CIRM.
CIRM has partnerships with twelve international agencies and with four governmental and non-governmental funding agencies in the U.S. To-date, twenty CIRM grants include collaborative funding with these partners, worth more than $60 million. Those collaborations are listed on the CIRM website.
“We are committed to supporting Scottish-based companies to work with California scientists and businesses to further boost Scotland’s profile as the primary location to undertake clinical trials, create new opportunities for California companies to (invest) in Scotland and increase customers for our rapidly growing stem cell supply chain,” said Danny Cusick, president of the Americas for the Scottish Development International.
About CIRM: CIRM was established in November 2004 with the passage of Proposition 71, the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act. The statewide ballot measure, which provided $3 billion in funding for stem cell research at California universities and research institutions, was overwhelmingly approved by voters, and called for the establishment of an entity to make grants and provide loans for stem cell research, research facilities, and other vital research opportunities. A list of grants and loans awarded to date may be seen here: https://www.cirm.ca.gov/for-researchers/researchfunding.
About SDI: Scottish Development International (SDI) works to attract inward investment and knowledge to Scotland to help the economy grow. It also helps Scottish based companies to trade overseas and promotes Scotland as a good place to live, work and do business. It is a partnership between the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise and its work is guided by the Scottish Government’s strategy for economic development in Scotland.